

pyndl was mainly developed by Konstantin Sering, Marc Weitz, David-Elias Künstle, Lennart Schneider and Elnaz Shafaei-Bajestan. For the full list of contributors have a look at Github’s Contributor summary.

Currently, it is maintained by Konstantin Sering and Marc Weitz.


In case you want to contact the project maintainers, please send an email to

konstantin [dot] sering [at] uni [minus] tuebingen [dot de


If this work was helpful in your work, feel free to cite it as

Konstantin Sering, Marc Weitz, David-Elias Künstle, Lennart Schneider, & Elnaz Shafaei-Bajestan. (2022). Pyndl: Naive discriminative learning in python.

If you are using BibTex you may want to use this example BibTex entry:

      author       = {Konstantin Sering and
                      Marc Weitz and
                      David-Elias Künstle and
                      Lennart Schneider and
                      Elnaz Shafaei-Bajestan},
      title        = {Pyndl: Naive discriminative learning in python},
      year         = 2017,
      doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.597964},
      url          = {}


If you want to cite a specific version, check out the history on zenodo!


pyndl was partially funded by the Humboldt grant, the ERC advanced grant (no. 742545) and by the University of Tübingen.


This package is build as a python replacement for the R ndl2 package. Some ideas on how to build the API and how to efficiently run the Rescorla Wagner iterative learning on large text corpora are inspired by the way the ndl2 package solves this problems. The ndl2 package will be published to github soon and a reference will be placed here.