Source code for pyndl.corpus


*pyndl.corpus* generates a corpus file (outfile) out of a bunch of gunzipped xml
subtitle files in a directory and all its subdirectories.

import os
import time
import sys
import gzip
import multiprocessing
import xml.etree.ElementTree

from . import io

__version__ = '0.2.0'

PUNCTUATION = tuple(".,:;?!()[]'")

def _parse_time_string(time_string):
    parses string and returns time in seconds.

    # make commas and colons the same symbol and split
    hours, minutes, seconds, frames = time_string.replace(',', ':').split(':')
    return (float(hours) * 60 * 60 +
            float(minutes) * 60 +
            float(seconds) +
            float(frames) / FRAMES_PER_SECOND)

[docs]def read_clean_gzfile(gz_file_path, *, break_duration=2.0): """ Generator that opens and reads a gunzipped xml subtitle file, while all xml tags and timestamps are removed. Parameters ---------- break_duration : float defines the amount of time in seconds that need to pass between two subtitles in order to start a new paragraph in the resulting corpus. Yields ------ line : non empty, cleaned line out of the xml subtitle file Raises ------ FileNotFoundError : if file is not there. """ with, "rt", encoding="utf-8-sig") as file_: tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(file_) root = tree.getroot() last_time = 0.0 for sentence_tag in root.findall('s'): # in an s_tag (more or less referring to a 'sentence') there exists # time_tags and w_tags (for 'words'). # join all wordswith spaces in between words = [] for word_tag in sentence_tag.findall('w'): text = word_tag.text if text in PUNCTUATION: words.append(text) elif text is not None: words.extend((' ', text)) else: raise ValueError("Text content of word tag is None.") result = ''.join(words) result = result.strip() if not result: continue # Check time and make a new paragraph if needed for time_tag in sentence_tag.findall('time'): # tag_type is either 'S' or 'E' (start or end) tag_type = time_tag.get('id')[-1:] current_time = _parse_time_string(time_tag.get('value')) # start if (tag_type == 'S' and current_time - last_time > break_duration): result = '\n' + result # end elif tag_type == 'E': last_time = current_time elif tag_type == 'S': pass else: raise ValueError("tag_type '%s' is not 'S' or 'E'" % tag_type) yield result + "\n"
[docs]class JobParseGz(): # pylint: disable=E0202,missing-docstring """ Stores the persistent information over several jobs and exposes a job method that only takes the varying parts as one argument. .. note:: Using a closure is not possible as it is not pickable / serializable. """ def __init__(self, break_duration): self.break_duration = break_duration
[docs] def run(self, filename): not_found = None try: lines = list(read_clean_gzfile(filename, break_duration=self.break_duration)) lines.append("\n---END.OF.DOCUMENT---\n\n") except FileNotFoundError: not_found = filename + "\n" return (lines, not_found)
[docs]def create_corpus_from_gz(directory, outfile, *, n_threads=1, verbose=False): """ Create a corpus file from a set of gunziped (.gz) files in a directory. Parameters ---------- directory : str use all gz-files in this directory and all subdirectories as input. outfile : str name of the outfile that will be created. n_threads : int number of threads to use. verbose : bool """ if not os.path.isdir(directory): raise OSError("%s does not exist.") if os.path.isfile(outfile): raise OSError("%s exists. Please <outfile> needs to be new file name." % outfile) if verbose: print("Walk through '%s' and read in all file names..." % directory) gz_files = [os.path.join(root, name) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory, followlinks=True) for name in files if name.endswith((".gz",))] gz_files.sort() if verbose: print("Start processing %i files." % len(gz_files)) start_time = time.time() not_founds = list() with multiprocessing.Pool(n_threads) as pool: with open(outfile, "wt") as result_file: progress_counter = 0 n_files = len(gz_files) job = JobParseGz(break_duration=5.0) for lines, not_found in pool.imap(, gz_files): progress_counter += 1 if verbose and progress_counter % 1000 == 0: print("%i%% " % (progress_counter / n_files * 100), end="") sys.stdout.flush() if lines is not None: result_file.writelines(lines) elif not_found is not None: not_founds.append(not_found) else: raise NotImplementedError("This should never happend!") if verbose: duration = time.time() - start_time print("\nProcessed %i files. %i files where not found." % (len(gz_files), len(not_founds))) print("Processing took %.2f seconds (%ih%.2im)." % (duration, duration // (60 * 60), duration // 60)) if not_founds: file_name = io.safe_write_path(outfile + ".not_found", template='{path}-{counter}') with open(file_name, "wt") as not_found_file: not_found_file.writelines(not_founds)