Source code for pyndl.count


*pyndl.count* provides functions in order to count

* words and symbols in a corpus file
* cues and outcomes in an event file

# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name, invalid-name

from collections import Counter, namedtuple
import gzip
import itertools
import multiprocessing
import sys
import warnings

from pyndl import io

CuesOutcomes = namedtuple('CuesOutcomes', 'n_events, cues, outcomes')
WordsSymbols = namedtuple('WordsSymbols', 'words, symbols')

def _job_cues_outcomes(event_file_name, start, step, verbose=False):
    Counts cues and outcomes for every ``step`` event starting from
    ``start`` event.

    (nn, cues, outcomes) : (int, collections.Counter, collections.Counter)

    cues = Counter()
    outcomes = Counter()
    nn = -1  # in case the for loop never gets called and 1 gets added in the end
    events = io.events_from_file(event_file_name, start=start, step=step)
    for nn, (cue_list, outcome_list) in enumerate(events):
        for cue in cue_list:
            cues[cue] += 1
        for outcome in outcome_list:
            outcomes[outcome] += 1
        if verbose and nn % 100000 == 0:
            print('.', end='')
    return (nn + 1, cues, outcomes)

[docs]def cues_outcomes(event_file_name, *, n_jobs=2, number_of_processes=None, verbose=False): """ Counts cues and outcomes in event_file_name using n_jobs processes. Returns ------- (n_events, cues, outcomes) : (int, collections.Counter, collections.Counter) """ if number_of_processes is not None: warnings.warn("Parameter `number_of_processes` is renamed to `n_jobs`. The old name " "will stop working with v0.9.0.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) n_jobs = number_of_processes with multiprocessing.Pool(n_jobs) as pool: step = n_jobs results = pool.starmap(_job_cues_outcomes, ((event_file_name, start, step, verbose) for start in range(n_jobs))) n_events = 0 cues = Counter() outcomes = Counter() for nn, cues_process, outcomes_process in results: n_events += nn cues += cues_process outcomes += outcomes_process if verbose: print('\n...counting done.') return CuesOutcomes(n_events, cues, outcomes)
def _job_words_symbols(corpus_file_name, start, step, lower_case=False, verbose=False): """ Counts the words and symbols for every ``step`` line starting from ``start`` line. It is assumed that words are separated by at least one space or by a new line character. .. note:: Punctuation characters, brackets and some other characters are stripped from the word and are not counted. Returns ------- (words, symbols) : (collections.Counter, collections.Counter) """ words = Counter() symbols = Counter() with open(corpus_file_name, 'r') as dfile: for nn, line in enumerate(itertools.islice(dfile, start, None, step)): for word in line.split(): # splits the string on all whitespace word = word.strip() word = word.strip('!?,.:;/"\'()^@*~') if lower_case: word = word.lower() if not word: continue words[word] += 1 symbols += Counter(word) if verbose and nn % 100000 == 0: print('.', end='') sys.stdout.flush() return (words, symbols)
[docs]def words_symbols(corpus_file_name, *, n_jobs=2, number_of_processes=None, lower_case=False, verbose=False): """ Counts words and symbols in corpus_file_name using n_jobs processes. Returns ------- (words, symbols) : (collections.Counter, collections.Counter) """ if number_of_processes is not None: warnings.warn("Parameter `number_of_processes` is renamed to `n_jobs`. The old name " "will stop working with v0.9.0.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) n_jobs = number_of_processes with multiprocessing.Pool(n_jobs) as pool: step = n_jobs results = pool.starmap(_job_words_symbols, ((corpus_file_name, start, step, lower_case, verbose) for start in range(n_jobs))) words = Counter() symbols = Counter() for words_process, symbols_process in results: words += words_process symbols += symbols_process if verbose: print('\n...counting done.') return WordsSymbols(words, symbols)
[docs]def save_counter(counter, filename, *, header='key\tfreq\n'): """ Saves a counter object into a tab delimitered text file. """ with open(filename, 'wt') as dfile: dfile.write(header) for key, count in counter.most_common(): dfile.write('{key}\t{count}\n'.format(key=key, count=count))
[docs]def load_counter(filename): """ Loads a counter out of a tab delimitered text file. """ with open(filename, 'rt') as dfile: # skip header dfile.readline() counter = Counter() for line in dfile: key, count = line.strip().split('\t') if key in counter.keys(): raise ValueError("%s contains two instances (words, symbols, ...) of the same spelling." % filename) counter[key] = int(count) return counter