Source code for pyndl.ndl


*pyndl.ndl* provides functions in order to train NDL models

from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
import copy
import getpass
import os
from queue import Queue
import socket
import sys
import tempfile
import threading
import time
import warnings
import types

import cython
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from . import __version__ as pyndl_version
from . import count
from . import preprocess
from . import ndl_parallel
from . import io

# conditional import as openmp is only compiled for linux
if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
    from . import ndl_openmp
elif sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):

warnings.simplefilter('always', DeprecationWarning)

[docs]class WeightDict(defaultdict): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring """ Subclass of defaultdict to represent outcome-cue weights. Notes ----- Weight for each outcome-cue combination is 0 per default. """ # pylint: disable=W0613 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(lambda: defaultdict(float)) self._attrs = OrderedDict() if 'attrs' in kwargs: self.attrs = kwargs['attrs'] else: self.attrs = {} @property def attrs(self): return self._attrs @attrs.setter def attrs(self, attrs): self._attrs = OrderedDict(attrs)
[docs]def ndl(events, alpha, betas, lambda_=1.0, *, method='openmp', weights=None, number_of_threads=None, n_jobs=8, len_sublists=None, n_outcomes_per_job=10, remove_duplicates=None, verbose=False, temporary_directory=None, events_per_temporary_file=10000000): """ Calculate the weights for all_outcomes over all events in event_file given by the files path. This is a parallel python implementation using numpy, multithreading and the binary format defined in Parameters ---------- events : generator or str generates cues, outcomes pairs or the path to the event file alpha : float saliency of all cues betas : (float, float) one value for successful prediction (reward) one for punishment lambda\\_ : float method : {'openmp', 'threading'} weights : None or xarray.DataArray the xarray.DataArray needs to have the named dimensions 'cues' and 'outcomes' n_jobs : int a integer giving the number of threads in which the job should executed n_outcomes_per_job : int a integer giving the length of sublists generated from all outcomes remove_duplicates : {None, True, False} if None though a ValueError when the same cue is present multiple times in the same event; True make cues and outcomes unique per event; False keep multiple instances of the same cue or outcome (this is usually not preferred!) verbose : bool print some output if True. temporary_directory : str path to directory to use for storing temporary files created; if none is provided, the operating system's default will be used (/tmp on unix) events_per_temporary_file: int Number of events in each temporary binary file. Has to be larger than 1 Returns ------- weights : xarray.DataArray with dimensions 'outcomes' and 'cues'. You can lookup the weights between a cue and an outcome with ``weights.loc[{'outcomes': outcome, 'cues': cue}]`` or ``weights.loc[outcome].loc[cue]``. """ # Create temporary file if events is a generator if isinstance(events, types.GeneratorType): file_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name io.events_to_file(events, file_path) events = file_path del file_path if number_of_threads is not None: warnings.warn("Parameter `number_of_threads` is renamed to `n_jobs`. The old name " "will stop working with v0.9.0.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) n_jobs = number_of_threads if len_sublists is not None: warnings.warn("Parameter `len_sublists` is renamed to `n_outcomes_per_job`. The old name " "will stop working with v0.9.0.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) n_outcomes_per_job = len_sublists if not (remove_duplicates is None or isinstance(remove_duplicates, bool)): raise ValueError("remove_duplicates must be None, True or False") if not isinstance(events, (str, os.PathLike)): raise ValueError("'events' need to be the path to a gzipped event file not {}".format(type(events))) weights_ini = weights wall_time_start = time.perf_counter() cpu_time_start = time.process_time() # preprocessing n_events, cues, outcomes = count.cues_outcomes(events, n_jobs=n_jobs, verbose=verbose) cues = list(cues.keys()) outcomes = list(outcomes.keys()) cue_map = OrderedDict(((cue, ii) for ii, cue in enumerate(cues))) outcome_map = OrderedDict(((outcome, ii) for ii, outcome in enumerate(outcomes))) all_outcome_indices = [outcome_map[outcome] for outcome in outcomes] shape = (len(outcome_map), len(cue_map)) # initialize weights if weights is None: weights = np.ascontiguousarray(np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float64, order='C')) elif isinstance(weights, xr.DataArray): old_cues = weights.coords["cues"].values.tolist() new_cues = list(set(cues) - set(old_cues)) old_outcomes = weights.coords["outcomes"].values.tolist() new_outcomes = list(set(outcomes) - set(old_outcomes)) cues = old_cues + new_cues outcomes = old_outcomes + new_outcomes cue_map = OrderedDict(((cue, ii) for ii, cue in enumerate(cues))) outcome_map = OrderedDict(((outcome, ii) for ii, outcome in enumerate(outcomes))) all_outcome_indices = [outcome_map[outcome] for outcome in outcomes] weights_tmp = np.concatenate((weights.values, np.zeros((len(new_outcomes), len(old_cues)), dtype=np.float64, order='C')), axis=0) weights_tmp = np.concatenate((weights_tmp, np.zeros((len(outcomes), len(new_cues)), dtype=np.float64, order='C')), axis=1) weights = np.ascontiguousarray(weights_tmp) del weights_tmp, old_cues, new_cues, old_outcomes, new_outcomes else: raise ValueError('weights need to be None or xarray.DataArray with method=%s' % method) if any(length > 4294967295 for length in weights.shape): raise ValueError("Neither number of cues nor outcomes shall exceed 4294967295 " "for now. See") beta1, beta2 = betas with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="pyndl", dir=temporary_directory) as binary_path: number_events = preprocess.create_binary_event_files(events, binary_path, cue_map, outcome_map, overwrite=True, n_jobs=n_jobs, events_per_file=events_per_temporary_file, remove_duplicates=remove_duplicates, verbose=verbose) assert n_events == number_events, (str(n_events) + ' ' + str(number_events)) binary_files = [os.path.join(binary_path, binary_file) for binary_file in os.listdir(binary_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(binary_path, binary_file))] # sort binary files as they were created binary_files.sort(key=lambda filename: int(os.path.basename(filename)[9:-4])) if verbose: print('start learning...') # learning if not raise ValueError('weights has to be c_contiguous') if method == 'openmp': if not sys.platform.startswith('linux'): raise NotImplementedError("OpenMP is linux only at the moment." "Use method='threading' instead.") ndl_openmp.learn_inplace_binary_to_binary(binary_files, alpha, beta1, beta2, lambda_, weights, np.array(all_outcome_indices, dtype=np.uint32), n_outcomes_per_job, n_jobs) elif method == 'threading': part_lists = slice_list(all_outcome_indices, n_outcomes_per_job) working_queue = Queue(len(part_lists)) threads = [] queue_lock = threading.Lock() def worker(): while True: with queue_lock: if working_queue.empty(): break data = working_queue.get() ndl_parallel.learn_inplace_binary_to_binary(binary_files, alpha, beta1, beta2, lambda_, weights, data) with queue_lock: for partlist in part_lists: working_queue.put(np.array(partlist, dtype=np.uint32)) for _ in range(n_jobs): thread = threading.Thread(target=worker) thread.start() threads.append(thread) for thread in threads: thread.join() else: raise ValueError('method needs to be either "threading" or "openmp"') cpu_time_stop = time.process_time() wall_time_stop = time.perf_counter() cpu_time = cpu_time_stop - cpu_time_start wall_time = wall_time_stop - wall_time_start if weights_ini is not None: attrs_to_be_updated = weights_ini.attrs else: attrs_to_be_updated = None attrs = _attributes(events, number_events, alpha, betas, lambda_, cpu_time, wall_time, __name__ + "." + ndl.__name__, method=method, attrs=attrs_to_be_updated) # post-processing weights = xr.DataArray(weights, [('outcomes', outcomes), ('cues', cues)], attrs=attrs) return weights
def _attributes(event_path, number_events, alpha, betas, lambda_, cpu_time, wall_time, function, method=None, attrs=None): if not isinstance(alpha, (float, int)): alpha_str = 'varying' else: alpha_str = str(alpha) width = max([len(ss) for ss in (event_path, str(number_events), str(alpha), str(betas), str(lambda_), function, str(method), socket.gethostname(), getpass.getuser())]) width = max(19, width) def _format(value): return '{0: <{width}}'.format(value, width=width) new_attrs = {'date': _format(time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")), 'event_path': _format(event_path), 'number_events': _format(number_events), 'alpha': _format(alpha_str), 'betas': _format(str(betas)), 'lambda': _format(str(lambda_)), 'function': _format(function), 'method': _format(str(method)), 'cpu_time': _format(str(cpu_time)), 'wall_time': _format(str(wall_time)), 'hostname': _format(socket.gethostname()), 'username': _format(getpass.getuser()), 'pyndl': _format(pyndl_version), 'numpy': _format(np.__version__), 'pandas': _format(pd.__version__), 'xarray': _format(xr.__version__), 'cython': _format(cython.__version__)} if attrs is not None: for key in set(attrs.keys()) | set(new_attrs.keys()): if key in attrs: old_val = attrs[key] else: old_val = '' if key in new_attrs: new_val = new_attrs[key] else: new_val = '' new_attrs[key] = old_val + ' | ' + new_val return new_attrs
[docs]def dict_ndl(events, alphas, betas, lambda_=1.0, *, weights=None, inplace=False, remove_duplicates=None, make_data_array=False, verbose=False): """ Calculate the weights for all_outcomes over all events in event_file. This is a pure python implementation using dicts. Notes ----- The metadata will only be stored when `make_data_array` is True and then `dict_ndl` cannot be used to continue learning. At the moment there is no proper way to automatically store the meta data into the default dict. Parameters ---------- events : generator or str generates cues, outcomes pairs or the path to the event file alphas : dict or float a (default)dict having cues as keys and a value below 1 as value betas : (float, float) one value for successful prediction (reward) one for punishment lambda\\_ : float weights : dict of dicts or xarray.DataArray or None initial weights inplace: {True, False} if True calculates the weightmatrix inplace if False creates a new weightmatrix to learn on remove_duplicates : {None, True, False} if None though a ValueError when the same cue is present multiple times in the same event; True make cues and outcomes unique per event; False keep multiple instances of the same cue or outcome (this is usually not preferred!) make_data_array : {False, True} if True makes a xarray.DataArray out of the dict of dicts. verbose : bool print some output if True. Returns ------- weights : dict of dicts of floats the first dict has outcomes as keys and dicts as values the second dict has cues as keys and weights as values weights[outcome][cue] gives the weight between outcome and cue. or weights : xarray.DataArray with dimensions 'outcomes' and 'cues'. You can lookup the weights between a cue and an outcome with ``weights.loc[{'outcomes': outcome, 'cues': cue}]`` or ``weights.loc[outcome].loc[cue]``. """ if not isinstance(make_data_array, bool): raise ValueError("make_data_array must be True or False") if not (remove_duplicates is None or isinstance(remove_duplicates, bool)): raise ValueError("remove_duplicates must be None, True or False") wall_time_start = time.perf_counter() cpu_time_start = time.process_time() if isinstance(events, str): event_path = events else: event_path = "" attrs_to_update = None # weights can be seen as an infinite outcome by cue matrix # weights[outcome][cue] if weights is None: weights = WeightDict() elif isinstance(weights, WeightDict): attrs_to_update = weights.attrs elif isinstance(weights, xr.DataArray): weights_ini = weights attrs_to_update = weights_ini.attrs coords = weights_ini.coords weights = WeightDict() for outcome_index, outcome in enumerate(coords['outcomes'].values): for cue_index, cue in enumerate(coords['cues'].values): weights[outcome][cue] = weights_ini.item((outcome_index, cue_index)) elif not isinstance(weights, defaultdict): raise ValueError('weights needs to be either defaultdict or None') if not inplace: weights = copy.deepcopy(weights) beta1, beta2 = betas all_outcomes = set(weights.keys()) if isinstance(events, str): events = io.events_from_file(events) if isinstance(alphas, float): alpha = alphas alphas = defaultdict(lambda: alpha) number_events = 0 for cues, outcomes in events: number_events += 1 if verbose and number_events % 1000: print('.', end='') sys.stdout.flush() if remove_duplicates is None: if (len(cues) != len(set(cues)) or len(outcomes) != len(set(outcomes))): raise ValueError('cues or outcomes needs to be unique: cues ' '"%s"; outcomes "%s"; use ' 'remove_duplicates=True' % (' '.join(cues), ' '.join(outcomes))) elif remove_duplicates: cues = set(cues) outcomes = set(outcomes) else: pass all_outcomes.update(outcomes) for outcome in all_outcomes: association_strength = sum(weights[outcome][cue] for cue in cues) if outcome in outcomes: update = beta1 * (lambda_ - association_strength) else: update = beta2 * (0 - association_strength) for cue in cues: weights[outcome][cue] += alphas[cue] * update cpu_time_stop = time.process_time() wall_time_stop = time.perf_counter() cpu_time = cpu_time_stop - cpu_time_start wall_time = wall_time_stop - wall_time_start attrs = _attributes(event_path, number_events, alphas, betas, lambda_, cpu_time, wall_time, __name__ + "." + dict_ndl.__name__, attrs=attrs_to_update) if make_data_array: weights = data_array(weights, attrs=attrs) else: weights.attrs = attrs return weights
[docs]def data_array(weights, *, attrs=None): """ Calculate the weights for all_outcomes over all events in event_file. Parameters ---------- weights : dict of dicts of floats or WeightDict the first dict has outcomes as keys and dicts as values the second dict has cues as keys and weights as values weights[outcome][cue] gives the weight between outcome and cue. If a dict of dicts is given, attrs is required. If a WeightDict is given, attrs is optional attrs : dict A dictionary of attributes Returns ------- weights : xarray.DataArray with dimensions 'outcomes' and 'cues'. You can lookup the weights between a cue and an outcome with ``weights.loc[{'outcomes': outcome, 'cues': cue}]`` or ``weights.loc[outcome].loc[cue]``. """ if isinstance(weights, xr.DataArray) and weights.dims == ('outcomes', 'cues'): return weights if attrs is None: try: attrs = weights.attrs except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("weights does not have attributes and no attrs " "argument is given.") outcomes = list(weights.keys()) cues = set() for outcome in outcomes: cues.update(set(weights[outcome].keys())) cues = list(cues) weights_dict = weights shape = (len(outcomes), len(cues)) weights = xr.DataArray(np.zeros(shape), attrs=attrs, coords={'outcomes': outcomes, 'cues': cues}, dims=('outcomes', 'cues')) for outcome in outcomes: for cue in cues: weights.loc[{"outcomes": outcome, "cues": cue}] = weights_dict[outcome][cue] return weights
[docs]def slice_list(list_, len_sublists): r""" Slices a list in sublists with the length len_sublists. Parameters ---------- list\_ : list list which should be sliced in sublists len_sublists : int integer which determines the length of the sublists Returns ------- seq_list : list of lists a list of sublists with the length len_sublists """ if len_sublists < 1: raise ValueError("'len_sublists' must be larger then one") assert len(list_) == len(set(list_)) ii = 0 seq_list = list() while ii < len(list_): seq_list.append(list_[ii:ii + len_sublists]) ii = ii + len_sublists return seq_list