Source code for pyndl.preprocess


*pyndl.preprocess* provides functions in order to preprocess data and create
event files from it.

import collections
import gzip
import multiprocessing
import os
import random
import re
import sys
import time
import warnings

from pyndl import io

[docs]def bandsample(population, sample_size=50000, *, cutoff=5, seed=None, verbose=False): """ Creates a sample of size sample_size out of the population using band sampling. """ # make a copy of the population # filter all words with freq < cutoff population = [(word, freq) for word, freq in population.items() if freq >= cutoff] if seed is not None: raise NotImplementedError("Reproducable bandsamples by seeding are not properly implemented yet.") # shuffle words with same frequency rand = random.Random(seed) rand.shuffle(population) population.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # lowest -> highest freq step = sum(freq for word, freq in population) / sample_size if verbose: print("step %.2f" % step) accumulator = 0 index = 0 sample = list() while 0 <= index < len(population): word, freq = population[index] accumulator += freq if verbose: print("%s\t%i\t%.2f" % (word, freq, accumulator)) if accumulator >= step: sample.append((word, freq)) accumulator -= step if verbose: print("add\t%s\t%.2f" % (word, accumulator)) del population[index] while accumulator >= step and index >= 1: index -= 1 sample.append(population[index]) accumulator -= step if verbose: word, freq = population[index] print(" add\t%s\t%.2f" % (word, accumulator)) del population[index] else: # only add to index if no element was removed # if element was removed, index points at next element already index += 1 if verbose and index % 1000 == 0: print(".", end="") sys.stdout.flush() sample = collections.Counter({key: value for key, value in sample}) return sample
[docs]def ngrams_to_word(occurrences, n_chars, outfile, remove_duplicates=True): """ Process the occurrences and write them to outfile. Parameters ---------- occurrences : sequence of (cues, outcomes) tuples cues and outcomes are both strings where underscores and # are special symbols. n_chars : number of characters (e.g. 2 for bigrams, 3 for trigrams, ...) outfile : file handle remove_duplicates : bool if True make cues and outcomes per event unique """ for cues, outcomes in occurrences: if cues and outcomes: occurrence = cues + '_' + outcomes else: # take either occurrence = cues + outcomes phrase_string = "#" + re.sub("_", "#", occurrence) + "#" ngrams = (phrase_string[i:(i + n_chars)] for i in range(len(phrase_string) - n_chars + 1)) if not ngrams or not occurrence: continue if remove_duplicates: ngrams = set(ngrams) occurrence = "_".join(set(occurrence.split("_"))) outfile.write("{}\t{}\n".format("_".join(ngrams), occurrence))
[docs]def process_occurrences(occurrences, outfile, *, cue_structure="trigrams_to_word", remove_duplicates=True): """ Process the occurrences and write them to outfile. Parameters ---------- occurrences : sequence of (cues, outcomes) tuples cues and outcomes are both strings where underscores and # are special symbols. outfile : file handle cue_structure : {'bigrams_to_word', 'trigrams_to_word', 'word_to_word'} remove_duplicates : bool if True make cues and outcomes per event unique """ if cue_structure == "bigrams_to_word": ngrams_to_word(occurrences, 2, outfile, remove_duplicates=remove_duplicates) elif cue_structure == "trigrams_to_word": ngrams_to_word(occurrences, 3, outfile, remove_duplicates=remove_duplicates) elif cue_structure == "word_to_word": for cues, outcomes in occurrences: if not cues: continue if remove_duplicates: cues = "_".join(set(cues.split("_"))) outcomes = "_".join(set(outcomes.split("_"))) outfile.write("{}\t{}\n".format(cues, outcomes)) else: raise NotImplementedError('cue_structure=%s is not implemented yet.' % cue_structure)
[docs]def create_event_file(corpus_file, event_file, *, allowed_symbols="*", context_structure="document", event_structure="consecutive_words", event_options=(3,), # number_of_words, cue_structure="trigrams_to_word", lower_case=False, remove_duplicates=True, verbose=False): """ Create an text based event file from a corpus file. .. warning:: '_', '#', and '\t' are removed from the input of the corpus file and replaced by a ' ', which is treated as a word boundary. Parameters ---------- corpus_file : str path where the corpus file is event_file : str path where the output file will be created allowed_symbols : str, function all allowed symbols to include in the events as a set of characters. The set of characters might be explicit or contains Regex character sets. '_', '#', and TAB are special symbols in the event file and will be removed automatically. If the corpus file contains these special symbols a warning will be given. These examples define the same allowed symbols:: 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' 'a-zA-Z' '*' or a function indicating which characters to include. The function should return `True`, if the passed character is a allowed symbol. For example:: lambda chr: chr in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" lambda chr: ('a' <= chr <= 'z') or ('A' <= chr <= 'Z') context_structure : {"document", "paragraph", "line"} event_structure : {"line", "consecutive_words", "word_to_word", "sentence"} event_options : None or (number_of_words,) or (before, after) or None in "consecutive words" the number of words of the sliding window as an integer; in "word_to_word" the number of words before and after the word of interest each as an integer. cue_structure: {"trigrams_to_word", "word_to_word", "bigrams_to_word"} lower_case : bool should the cues and outcomes be lower cased remove_duplicates : bool create unique cues and outcomes per event verbose : bool Notes ----- Breaks / Separators : What marks parts, where we do not want to continue learning? * ``---end.of.document---`` string? * line breaks? * empty lines? What do we consider one event? * three consecutive words? * one line of the corpus? * everything between two empty lines? * everything within one document? Should the events be connected to the events before and after? No. Context : A context is a whole document or a paragraph within which we will take (three) consecutive words as occurrences or events. The last words of a context will not form an occurrence with the first words of the next context. Occurrence : An occurrence or event is will result in one event in the end. This can be (three) consecutive words, a sentence, or a line in the corpus file. """ # define functions to remove special chars / symbols special_chars = re.compile("[#_\t]") def _remove_special_chars_without_warning(line): new_line = special_chars.sub(' ', line) return new_line def _remove_special_chars_with_warning(line): nonlocal remove_special_chars new_line = special_chars.sub(' ', line) if line != new_line: warnings.warn('"_", "#", and "\\t" are special symbols and were therefore removed') remove_special_chars = _remove_special_chars_without_warning return new_line remove_special_chars = _remove_special_chars_with_warning if callable(allowed_symbols): def filter_symbols(line, replace): line_copy = list(line) for ii in range(len(line)): if not allowed_symbols(line[ii]): line_copy[ii] = replace return ''.join(line_copy) else: not_in_symbols = re.compile(f"[^{allowed_symbols:s}]") def filter_symbols(line, replace): return not_in_symbols.sub(replace, line) if event_structure not in ('consecutive_words', 'line', 'word_to_word'): raise NotImplementedError('This event structure (%s) is not implemented yet.' % event_structure) if context_structure not in ('document', 'line'): raise NotImplementedError('This context structure (%s) is not implemented yet.' % context_structure) if os.path.isfile(event_file): raise OSError('%s file exits. Remove file and start again.' % event_file) context_pattern = re.compile("(---end.of.document---|---END.OF.DOCUMENT---)") if event_structure == 'consecutive_words': number_of_words, = event_options elif event_structure == 'word_to_word': before, after = event_options def gen_occurrences(words): """ Make an occurrence out of consecutive words. Take all number_of_words number of consecutive words and make an occurrence out of it. For words = (A, B, C, D); number_of_words = 3 make: (A, ), (A_B, ), (A_B_C, ), (B_C_D, ), (C_D, ), (D, ) """ if event_structure == 'consecutive_words': occurrences = list() # can't have more consecutive words than total words length = min(number_of_words, len(words)) # slide window over list of words for ii in range(1 - length, len(words)): # no consecutive words before first word start = max(ii, 0) # no consecutive words after last word end = min(ii + length, len(words)) # append (cues, outcomes) with empty outcomes occurrences.append(("_".join(words[start:end]), "")) return occurrences # for words = (A, B, C, D); before = 2, after = 1 # make: (B, A), (A_C, B), (A_B_D, C), (B_C, D) elif event_structure == 'word_to_word': occurrences = list() for ii, word in enumerate(words): # words before the word to a maximum of before cues = words[max(0, ii - before):ii] # words after the word to a maximum of before cues.extend(words[(ii + 1):min(len(words), ii + 1 + after)]) # append (cues, outcomes) occurrences.append(("_".join(cues), word)) return occurrences elif event_structure == 'line': # (cues, outcomes) with empty outcomes return [('_'.join(words), ''), ] else: raise ValueError('gen_occurrences should be one of {"consecutive_words", "word_to_word", "line"}') def process_line(line): """processes one line of text.""" if lower_case: line = line.lower() # remove special chars line = remove_special_chars(line) # replace all weird characters with space line = filter_symbols(line, replace=' ') return line def gen_words(line): """generates words out of a line of text.""" return [word.strip() for word in line.split(" ") if word.strip()] def process_words(words): """processes one word and makes an occurrence out of it.""" occurrences = gen_occurrences(words) process_occurrences(occurrences, outfile, cue_structure=cue_structure, remove_duplicates=remove_duplicates) def process_context(line): """called when a context boundary is found.""" if context_structure == 'document': # remove document marker line = context_pattern.sub("", line) return line with open(corpus_file, "rt") as corpus: with, "wt") as outfile: outfile.write("cues\toutcomes\n") words = [] for ii, line in enumerate(corpus): if verbose and ii % 100000 == 0: print(".", end="") sys.stdout.flush() outfile.flush() line = line.strip() if context_structure == 'line': line = process_line(line) words = gen_words(line) process_words(words) else: if is not None: # process the first context context1, *contexts = context_pattern.split(line) context1 = process_context(context1) if context1.strip(): context1 = process_line(context1.strip()) words.extend(gen_words(context1)) process_words(words) # process in between contexts while len(contexts) > 1: words = [] context1, *contexts = contexts context1 = process_context(context1) if context1.strip(): context1 = process_line(context1.strip()) words.extend(gen_words(context1)) process_words(words) # add last part to next context context1 = contexts[0] context1 = process_context(context1) if context1.strip(): context1 = process_line(context1.strip()) words.extend(gen_words(context1)) else: line = process_line(line) words.extend(gen_words(line)) # write the last context (the rest) when context_structure is not # 'line' if context_structure != 'line': process_words(words)
[docs]class JobFilter(): # pylint: disable=E0202,missing-docstring """ Stores the persistent information over several jobs and exposes a job method that only takes the varying parts as one argument. .. note:: Using a closure is not possible as it is not pickable / serializable. """
[docs] @staticmethod def return_empty_string(): return ''
def __init__(self, keep_cues, keep_outcomes, remove_cues, remove_outcomes, cue_map, outcome_map): if ((cue_map is not None and remove_cues is not None) or (cue_map is not None and keep_cues != 'all') or (remove_cues is not None and keep_cues != 'all')): raise ValueError('You can either specify keep_cues, remove_cues, or cue_map.') if ((outcome_map is not None and remove_outcomes is not None) or (outcome_map is not None and keep_outcomes != 'all') or (remove_outcomes is not None and keep_outcomes != 'all')): raise ValueError('You can either specify keep_outcomes, remove_outcomes, or outcome_map.') if cue_map is not None: self.cue_map = collections.defaultdict(self.return_empty_string, cue_map) self.process_cues = self.process_cues_map elif remove_cues is not None: self.remove_cues = set(remove_cues) self.process_cues = self.process_cues_remove elif keep_cues == 'all': self.keep_cues = 'all' self.process_cues = self.process_cues_all else: self.keep_cues = keep_cues self.process_cues = self.process_cues_keep if outcome_map is not None: self.outcome_map = collections.defaultdict(self.return_empty_string, outcome_map) self.process_outcomes = self.process_outcomes_map elif remove_outcomes is not None: self.remove_outcomes = set(remove_outcomes) self.process_outcomes = self.process_outcomes_remove elif keep_outcomes == 'all': self.keep_outcomes = 'all' self.process_outcomes = self.process_outcomes_all else: self.keep_outcomes = set(keep_outcomes) self.process_outcomes = self.process_outcomes_keep
[docs] def process_cues(self, cues): raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be implemented or assigned by a specific method.")
[docs] def process_cues_map(self, cues): cues = [self.cue_map[cue] for cue in cues] return [cue for cue in cues if cue]
[docs] def process_cues_remove(self, cues): return [cue for cue in cues if cue not in self.remove_cues]
[docs] def process_cues_keep(self, cues): return [cue for cue in cues if cue in self.keep_cues]
[docs] def process_cues_all(self, cues): return cues
[docs] def process_outcomes(self, outcomes): raise NotImplementedError("Needs to be implemented or assigned by a specific method.")
[docs] def process_outcomes_map(self, outcomes): outcomes = [self.outcome_map[outcome] for outcome in outcomes] return [outcome for outcome in outcomes if outcome]
[docs] def process_outcomes_remove(self, outcomes): return [outcome for outcome in outcomes if outcome not in self.remove_outcomes]
[docs] def process_outcomes_keep(self, outcomes): return [outcome for outcome in outcomes if outcome in self.keep_outcomes]
[docs] def process_outcomes_all(self, outcomes): return outcomes
[docs] def job(self, line): try: cues, outcomes = line.strip('\n').split("\t") except ValueError: raise ValueError("tabular event file need to have two tab separated columns") cues = cues.split("_") outcomes = outcomes.split("_") cues = self.process_cues(cues) outcomes = self.process_outcomes(outcomes) # no cues left? # NOTE: We want to keep events with no outcomes as this is the # background for the cues in that events. if not cues: return None processed_line = ("%s\t%s\n" % ("_".join(cues), "_".join(outcomes))) return processed_line
[docs]def filter_event_file(input_event_file, output_event_file, *, keep_cues="all", keep_outcomes="all", remove_cues=None, remove_outcomes=None, cue_map=None, outcome_map=None, n_jobs=1, number_of_processes=None, chunksize=100000, verbose=False): """ Filter an event file by a list or a map of cues and outcomes. Parameters ---------- You can either use keep_*, remove_*, or map_*. input_event_file : str path where the input event file is output_event_file : str path where the output file will be created keep_cues : "all" or sequence of str list of all cues that should be kept keep_outcomes : "all" or sequence of str list of all outcomes that should be kept remove_cues : None or sequence of str list of all cues that should be removed remove_outcomes : None or sequence of str list of all outcomes that should be removed cue_map : dict maps every cue as key to the value. Removes all cues that do not have a key. This can be used to map several different cues to the same cue or to rename cues. outcome_map : dict maps every outcome as key to the value. Removes all outcome that do not have a key. This can be used to map several different outcomes to the same outcome or to rename outcomes. n_jobs : int number of threads to use chunksize : int number of chunks per submitted job, should be around 100000 Notes ----- It will keep all cues that are within the event and that (for a human reader) might clearly belong to a removed outcome. This is on purpose and is the expected behaviour as these cues are in the context of this outcome. If an event has no cues it gets removed, but if an event has no outcomes it is still present in order to capture the background rate of that cues. """ if number_of_processes is not None: warnings.warn("Parameter `number_of_processes` is renamed to `n_jobs`. The old name " "will stop working with v0.9.0.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) n_jobs = number_of_processes job = JobFilter(keep_cues, keep_outcomes, remove_cues, remove_outcomes, cue_map, outcome_map) with multiprocessing.Pool(n_jobs) as pool: with, "rt") as infile: with, "wt") as outfile: # copy header outfile.write(infile.readline()) for ii, processed_line, in enumerate(pool.imap(job.job, infile, chunksize=chunksize)): if processed_line is not None: outfile.write(processed_line) if verbose and ii % 100000 == 0: print('.', end='') sys.stdout.flush()
################ # Preprocessing ################ MAGIC_NUMBER = 14159265 CURRENT_VERSION_WITH_FREQ = 215 CURRENT_VERSION = 2048 + 215
[docs]def read_binary_file(binary_file_path): with open(binary_file_path, "rb") as binary_file: magic_number = to_integer( if not magic_number == MAGIC_NUMBER: raise ValueError('Header does not match the magic number') version = to_integer( if version == CURRENT_VERSION: pass else: raise ValueError('Version is incorrectly specified') nr_of_events = to_integer( for _ in range(nr_of_events): # Cues number_of_cues = to_integer( cue_ids = [to_integer( for ii in range(number_of_cues)] # outcomes number_of_outcomes = to_integer( outcome_ids = [to_integer( for ii in range(number_of_outcomes)] yield (cue_ids, outcome_ids)
[docs]def to_bytes(int_): return int_.to_bytes(4, 'little')
[docs]def to_integer(byte_): return int.from_bytes(byte_, "little")
[docs]def write_events(events, filename, *, start=0, stop=4294967295, remove_duplicates=None): """ Write out a list of events to a disk file in binary format. Parameters ---------- events : iterator of (cue_ids, outcome_ids) tuples called event filename : string start : first event to write (zero based index) stop : last event to write (zero based index; excluded) remove_duplicates : {None, True, False} if None though a ValueError when the same cue is present multiple times in the same event; True make cues and outcomes unique per event; False keep multiple instances of the same cue or outcome (this is usually not preferred!) Returns ------- number_events : int actual number of events written to file Notes ----- The **binary format** as the following structure:: 8 byte header nr of events nr of cues in first event ids for every cue nr of outcomes in first event ids for every outcome nr of cues in second event ... Raises ------ StopIteration : events generator is exhausted before stop is reached """ with open(filename, "wb") as out_file: # 8 bytes header out_file.write(to_bytes(MAGIC_NUMBER)) out_file.write(to_bytes(CURRENT_VERSION)) # events # estimated number of events (will be rewritten if the actual number # differs) n_events_estimate = stop - start out_file.write(to_bytes(n_events_estimate)) n_events = 0 for ii, event in enumerate(events): if ii < start: continue if ii >= stop: break n_events += 1 cue_ids, outcome_ids = event if remove_duplicates is None: if len(cue_ids) != len(set(cue_ids)) or len(outcome_ids) != len(set(outcome_ids)): raise ValueError(''.join([ 'event %i does not have unique cues or outcomes.' 'Use remove_duplicates=True in order to force unique cues and outcomes.' 'Use remove_duplicates=False to allow the same cue or outcome multiple' 'times in the same event (not recommended)']) % ii) elif remove_duplicates: cue_ids = set(cue_ids) outcome_ids = set(outcome_ids) else: pass # cues in event out_file.write(to_bytes(len(cue_ids))) for cue_id in cue_ids: out_file.write(to_bytes(cue_id)) # outcomes in event out_file.write(to_bytes(len(outcome_ids))) for outcome_id in outcome_ids: out_file.write(to_bytes(outcome_id)) if n_events != n_events_estimate and not n_events == 0: # the generator was exhausted earlier out_file.write(to_bytes(n_events)) raise StopIteration(("event generator was exhausted before stop", n_events)) if n_events == 0: os.remove(filename) return n_events
[docs]def event_generator(event_file, cue_id_map, outcome_id_map, *, sort_within_event=False): for cues, outcomes in io.events_from_file(event_file): # uses list and not generators; as generators can only be traversed once event = ([cue_id_map[cue] for cue in cues], [outcome_id_map[outcome] for outcome in outcomes]) if sort_within_event: cue_ids, outcome_ids = event cue_ids = list(cue_ids) cue_ids.sort() outcome_ids = list(outcome_ids) outcome_ids.sort() event = (cue_ids, outcome_ids) yield event
def _job_binary_event_file(*, file_name, event_file, cue_id_map, outcome_id_map, sort_within_event, start, stop, remove_duplicates): # create generator which is not pickable events = event_generator(event_file, cue_id_map, outcome_id_map, sort_within_event=sort_within_event) n_events = write_events(events, file_name, start=start, stop=stop, remove_duplicates=remove_duplicates) return n_events
[docs]def create_binary_event_files(event_file, path_name, cue_id_map, outcome_id_map, *, sort_within_event=False, n_jobs=2, events_per_file=10000000, overwrite=False, remove_duplicates=None, verbose=False): """ Creates the binary event files for a tabular cue outcome corpus. Parameters ---------- event_file : str path to tab separated text file that contains all events in a cue outcome table. path_name : str folder name where to store the binary event files cue_id_map : dict (str -> int) cue to id map outcome_id_map : dict (str -> int) outcome to id map sort_within_event : bool should we sort the cues and outcomes within the event n_jobs : int number of threads to use events_per_file : int Number of events in each binary file. Has to be larger than 1 overwrite : bool overwrite files if they exist remove_duplicates : {None, True, False} if None though a ValueError when the same cue is present multiple times in the same event; True make cues and outcomes unique per event; False keep multiple instances of the same cue or outcome (this is usually not preferred!) verbose : bool Returns ------- number_events : int sum of number of events written to binary files """ # pylint: disable=missing-docstring if events_per_file < 2: raise ValueError("events_per_file has to be larger than 1") if not os.path.isdir(path_name): if verbose: print("create event file folder '%s'" % path_name) os.mkdir(path_name, 0o773) elif not overwrite: raise IOError("folder %s exists and overwrite is False" % path_name) else: if verbose: print("removing event files in '%s'" % path_name) for file_name in os.listdir(path_name): if "events_0_" in file_name: os.remove(os.path.join(path_name, file_name)) number_events = 0 with multiprocessing.Pool(n_jobs) as pool: def _error_callback(error): if isinstance(error, StopIteration): _, result = error.value nonlocal number_events number_events += result # pylint: disable=undefined-variable pool.close() else: raise error def _callback(result): nonlocal number_events number_events += result if verbose: print("finished job") sys.stdout.flush() ii = 0 while True: kwargs = { "file_name": os.path.join(path_name, "events_0_%i.dat" % ii), "event_file": event_file, "cue_id_map": cue_id_map, "outcome_id_map": outcome_id_map, "sort_within_event": sort_within_event, "start": ii*events_per_file, "stop": (ii+1)*events_per_file, "remove_duplicates": remove_duplicates, } try: result = pool.apply_async(_job_binary_event_file, kwds=kwargs, callback=_callback, error_callback=_error_callback) if verbose: print("submitted job %i" % ii) except ValueError as error: # someone has closed the pool with the correct error callback if error.args[0] == 'Pool not running': if verbose: print("reached end of events") break # out of while True else: raise error ii += 1 # only start jobs in chunks of 4*n_jobs if ii % (n_jobs*4) == 0: while True: if result.ready(): break time.sleep(1.0) # check every second if verbose: print('c') sys.stdout.flush() # wait until all jobs are done pool.close() pool.join() if verbose: print("finished all jobs.\n") return number_events
# for example code see function test_preprocess in file # ./tests/